For my Estella character, I would like to create two design look for her. One is before her marriage with Bentley Drummle, the beautiful and haughty version of Estella. Another version is after the marriage, been beaten by her husband Bentley Drummle.

Before the marriage, she will look pretty as she meant to be in to story. I will do a non-makeup makeup look for both versions of Estella, because in the Victorian period women were not allowed to wear makeup on their face.
As I said earlier on the previous posts about I will try to do some research on what peculiarities would people have when feeling stressed, because Estella is always under the pressure which Miss Havisham applies on her. Another reason of me doing this is because I feel like there is no characteristic for my Estella if I only create a Victorian lady's makeup look on her.
After I did some online research, I found out that some people bite their lips when they are feeling under pressures! It's a common behavior that many people don't even realize they're doing, and other struggle to control. As they bites their lips too hard or too often, the inner lips will looks a little bit red, raw or bleeding. I think this is a really great element to put into my makeup design for Estella, and it gives soul to this character! If I didn't do this research, she could be any ladies from the Victorian era.
For the second look, which is after the marriage with Bentley Drummle. Estella will be beating by Drummle at this stage. To show this, I decide to create some bruises on her face and body using makeup products.
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