Thursday 31 January 2013

My Character Interpretations

Miss Havisham


Miss Havisham, a woman who has been hurt by love. Her lover Compeyson abandons her on the day of wedding. At twenty minutes to nine on their wedding day, while she was dressing, Havisham received a letter from Compeyson and realized he had defrauded her and she had been left at the altar. Since then, her life stopped at twenty minutes to nine. She lives in her ruined mansion and never go out until she died. 

For my Miss Havisham, I imaging her has really pale skin because she stays in her cold ruined mansion for the rest of her life, and never go out to the sunlight. Although she seems not feeling cold but her body reacts, because she is wearing her wedding dress all the time.  In order to show this, my Miss Havisham will have purple peeling lips, because when people feeling freezing their lips color turns purple and becomes really dry. Also, I want my Miss Havisham to look unhealthy and skinny, because her life stops on her wedding day so she doesn't have the concept of time. She only sleep when she feels tired, she only eat when she feels hungry. In the novel, Dickens describes her as looking like "the witch of the place." In my opinion, she is more like the ghost of the house, because she feels herself is dead from the wedding day.



Estella, Miss Havisham's adopted daughter. Miss Havisham has no love to her, she trains Estella to be a lady only because she wants to use her to break men's hearts, as a revenge. She teaches Estella to be cold and ruthless. In the BBC 2011 episode Miss Havisham touches Estella's face and tell her that she is her only price, so Estella knows she is only a weapon to Miss Havisham. 

For my second character Estella, I don't have many design ideas of what she might look like but beautiful. I believe in her ruthless heart, there is still some affection that has not been destroyed by Miss Havisham. The reason of this is she warns Pip that she cannot love him because she has no heart, but if she really has no heart why would she warn Pip? It shows that she doesn't want to hurt Pip, she cares Pip. This lead me to an idea of Estella is suffering between Miss Havisham and Pip. She stuck in a dilemma, living with the pressure which Miss Havisham gives her. With this in mind, I will research some peculiarities that people might have when feeling stressed. 

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